The International Consortium for Harmonization of Clinical Laboratory Results



Our specific objectives

  • to improve the harmonization of results from clinical laboratory measurement procedures for measurands (analytes) that do not have reference measurement procedures
  • to provide a resource center for information on global activities to harmonize and standardize clinical laboratory measurement procedures


Operating Procedures for the International Consortium for Harmonization of Clinical Laboratory Results describe the program. The governing body is a Council made up of organizations from around the world that contribute financially to support the administration of the program. A Harmonization Oversight Group (HOG) is responsible to manage the harmonization activities.

Interested stakeholders may become Stakeholder Members of the consortium to support and contribute to the harmonization activities.

The IFCC is the secretariat for administration of the program.

ICHCLR Project grant - Call for applications

Harmonization of Labortory Test Results

The International Consortium for Harmonization of Laboratory Test Results wishes to announce an open call for Project Grant Applications, in collaboration with the Scientific Division of the International Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 

Applications are invited which seek to achieve harmonization of clinical laboratory test results for high priority measurands where improvements will have significant impact on patient care.   In particular we welcome applications which will seek to address harmonization of ferritin assays, although we will also consider applications for other measurands where a demonstrable need exists and clinical benefit will result.

This is an open call - applications can be submitted at any time and will be considered in the context of available funds.

Please apply using this application form

Council Members

Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine - ADLM (formerly AACC)

College of American Pathologists - CAP

International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine - IFCC

Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine - KSLM

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